Monday, December 15, 2008

Snow again...

Well here are a few pictures from the snow. Tomorrow Casey has another snow day, it didnt snow today but the snow didnt melt either. its supposed to snow again on wednesday, twice as hard, so therefore, twice as much snow, added on what we have already. By sunday its supposed to get the worst, they are saying its going to be a 'super snow storm' but ill be gone by that time. Today me and casey went out to the pond, its all frozen over, we cant walk on it or anything, but we went out on the dock and threw snowballs at it. it was awesome. We made out gingerbread house last night also.

Ill be home saturday though!! I hope to see everyone sometime!!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Lots of Snow!

So its been snowing all day, and i took a few pictures, i thought i would post a few, but it wont let me...ill try to post them tomorrow, the internet isnt doing so well here today.

I woke up this morning to casey and erin yelling "mary mary its snowing!!!!!!!!!"

i took the kitties outside in the snow. all of them loved it except Nella, the white kitty. she was scared and ran back inside. she doesnt like being outside at all. The horses seem to like it though.

I played with casey and cj in the snow for a while, we played catch with snowballs and then me and casey attacked cj with snowballs. then came inside.
its still snowing now too. it hasnt really stopped at all.

were going to make a gingerbread house tonight, so thats going to be fun, and it looks like casey is going to have a snow day tomorrow.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Oh. My. Goodness.

so everyone knows that i have been having some roommate issues and i put in a room transfer request, but i cant change until january 19th...well i dont have to anymore....

so my roomate is ocd and freaks at everything...

and so she 'lost her pills' once, when she told me she thinks she dropped them like a month or so ago,
and now she has this huge pikachu (looks just like the picture) that has tremendous sentimental value to her and she thinks someone stole it.
i think she took it home with her and lost it herself because its the only explanation. no person in their right mind would come to a dorm room and steal a stuffed pikachu and leave my brand new laptop there.
either that or she took it home and is acting like someone stole it so she has and excuse...

so anyways, she is offering a reward of 100 bucks for her stuffed pikachu,
and she is......

changing rooms.
she says she doesnt want to live in a place that her things get taken all the time, (even though im almost positive she misplaced them herself) the thought crossed my mind that she might just be using it as a really bad excuse to change rooms, but i dont care. i wasnt around when any of her stuff came up missing, so im in the clear about that. i also didnt even know she had any pills until she told me she lost them. lol. so yeah.

but anyways...
:D :D :D :D
she is changing rooms and i dont have to.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


So heres the dealy.
I like my roomate. She is a nice girl.
But... we dont have ANYTHING in common. at all.
She likes everything black and dark colored, I like bright pink.
She is allergic to basically everything [peanuts, dairy, soy, salmon...ect]
I love peanut butter. and cheese. and soy sauce with my rice. not so much salmon. but you know what I mean.
She hates psu, I love psu.
She is ocd about cleaning, I like things to be tidy-ish, but i dont need things to be spotless to survive.
She doesnt like my music, I dont like hers.
She studys during the day, I study at night,
She goes to bed early, I go to bed at like 11 or so.
She wakes up at 6 everyday, I like to sleep a little, my first class is at 10.

we have nothing in common, no common ground at all.
She is a nice person, but they couldnt have paired me with a worse roomate.
I got my room transfer sheet and I have an appointment tomorrow with the lady that has to sign it, and basically determines weather it goes through or not.
so I may have a new room next term.

Monday, November 3, 2008


Me and CJ
Me and Casey.
Me as Strawberry Shortcake.
My Costume.

So halloween came.

i figured out my costume. i tried on a bajillion different things trying to find something that didnt look overly slutty or just bad on me. I went back and forth on a few costumes that i liked and i ended up getting strawberry shortcake. It was cute, it wasnt anything that would make me look like a whore like a french maid or half the other costumes in the store. haha. so i got it.
CJ went as House. of course. He had the cane, and he even had a perscription bottle of tic tacs that he was popping throughout the night. i didnt get any pictures of him in costume, but i got some of me and his sister, casey all dressed up with me. She went as a referee.
All in all it was a good night. We knew there would be some drinking at the party, but me, casey, her boyfriend, and cj all didnt want to drink, so we went to safeway on the way to the party to get energy drinks. Everyone was looking at me and casey, and there were little kids trick or treating everywhere. it was pretty cool. When we got to the party we hung out for a while, and just talked with people and stuff. We stayed for a few hours, but we left when everyone was starting to play drinking games.
We came home, and got in our pajamas, and we watched a few more house episodes before we went to bed. :] we are on the fourth season. I asked cj what we are going to do when we run out of house episodes until the next season is out on dvd, he said we would start watching smallville, which i have never seen.
so yes. My halloween was good. :D

Thursday, October 23, 2008


My midterms are basically over!
I still have to do a scene for my theater class, but thats easy.
I had to write 2 five page papers other than that though, one for freshman inquiry, and one for criminology.
I turned in my one for freshman inquiry, and i got an A-.
I have to turn in my one for Crininology.
At the beginning of the term i hated my freshman inquiry class. It seemed boring and pointless, but now its becoming more psychology based, which i like. so thats good.
My criminology class is really good. I enjoy going to the class, and we get pretty much no homework besides reading.
Other than that things are going well.
Me and cj got invited to a halloween party, and i have to geta costume. We are going to Spirit on Saturday. I am excited, even though i have no idea what to be.

Any Suggestions??

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

College Update :)

PSU Hoodie :)Drinking Green Apple Bubble Tea.
CJ Drinking His And Mine at the Same time. He is silly.
Myclasses are going well,
i have theater and freshman inquiry&mentor session on mondays and wednesdays,
and criminology on tuesdays and thursdays.
i really am enjoying my classes and my professors are all really nice and stuff.
i havent had a ton of homework, just a small amount, which is nice.
and i live right above a starbucks. :)
also, there is a bubble tea place right down the street and its soooo good!
As for everything else, me and cj are doing good. Ive been spending most of my weekends with him at his house so i can get around and hang out with friends and stuff.
We've been watching house lately. CJ has all of the seasons on dvd, so when i spend the night its kind of our time ot just cuddle and have us time. We just sit around and watch a few episodes of house. I like it alot, its a very intriguing show, especially for me. Its also medically correct, so im not screaming at the tv the whole time. :)
My roomate is nice and we have been getting along pretty well also.
Other than that, i have just been meeting some new people in my classes and in my dorm.
All in all, i love it here.

but you wanna know something funny?...
in the past 3 days, i have seen 4 people from roseburg.

1]Rhianna Gunderson. ..she looked at me like "oh my god, im not the only one here anymore" and then kind of glared at me.
2] Some football player. He stopped me in the hall and asked if he knew me from roseburg, i said i guess so. I wasnt really sure of his name, and he was one of the jock guys that were jerks, so i didnt want to talk to him that much. He asked for my number, but i didnt take his, instead he has called me a number of times and texted me, but i havent responded. haha.
3] Travis Trotter. walked right by me.
4] Travis Hase...Well, i think he was suprised to find me here. it was funny, i said hi to him and he kinda gave me a "whoa, marys here?!" look. i kinda laughed when he walked away.
Also, i am kinda getting sick. :(
cj was sick for the past few days, with a sore throat and the sniffles,
and i have it now. bleh.
but ill be fine :)

Monday, September 29, 2008

College Life

My Dorm:
This is part of the kitchenette, there is also a little fridge that you cant see in this picture, and we have a cabinette thing on the other side of this with a microwave and coffee maker.
This is the basic Room part, on the right are our dressers and on the left are our desks. And you can see the huge window.

This is part of the bathroom. Yay. We have our own bathroom. across from the toilette is our shower, even though you cant see it. :D
This is my side with my bes and dresser. Today was my first day of actually going to classes here.
I have lived in my dorm fro a little over a week, and i love it. (Can you guess which side is mine? lol) The bathroom and kitchenette are really nice, and its a really big space for a dorm. Having our own shower is nice. Our dorm doesnt look like much yet because we havent really decorated or anything. We do have a huge window though. My roomate has a couple posters up, but not much else. Just our stuff everywhere. At first in our dorm there was only one ethernet cable for the both of us, so i went and picked up a router...but we didnt need it because my roomate, Jessica, her dad bought us another ethernet cable, and so its just more convenient for us, the router was kind of confusing anyways.
Today i had my first three classes,
I had my Theater class, Constructed Self [freshman inquiry], and the Constructed Self Mentor session. I liked my theater class, the teacher seems to be a pretty good theater teacher. My Constructed Self class kind of felt like advisory but with a college feel, but i guess it could be just because it was the first day. Its all about basically 'improving yourself as a whole' and 'making progress in your life' and stuff. stupid.
Tomorrow i have my class for my major;
Criminology. Im pretty excited to go to that class.
through my classes today i met alot of people, and talked to a bunch of different people from different backgrounds and such, especially in my theater class, there are quite a few people that are not origionally from the united states. There is a girl from the phillipenes, a girl from japan, a guy from basically the us, and everywhere in europe, a girl from australia, and a guy from nigeria. There are also alot of people from other states. In one class i have, I am one of the three people that are actually from oregon.
its kind of nice being around so many different people.
Other than that I have just been hanging out with CJ and everyone and stuff, we have made a habit of whenever i spend the night with him we watch the show House together at night, he owns every season of it. We just started on the second season.
So basically living up here has gone pretty smoothly so far, and i am really enjoying being here in the city. Classes started today and they went well.

I miss you tina, diana, amanda, and nae!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Moving Day

So tomorrow is my moving day!
ill be waking up at about 7 and going for one last trip to bagel tree, and then we will head towards portland. We are gonna stop and shop in the woodburn outlet mall on the way there, so i am excited.
After that ill be checking in and moving into my dorm. Then i have to buy a microwave and some floor lamps.
Other than that i am just going to hang out with cj and go out with his family/friends for dinner at Amigos,
and then back to his house to hang out with a couple of friends for the night.

I am really excitedd to move. My room looks extremely empty, it has nothing in it except furniture and my boxes. its strange. But i like the thought of getting out.
Im kind of apprehensive about how my mom is going to take it, i know she is probably going to be crying the whole time, which is going to be kind of really not fun at all. Its probably going to suck alot actually. But im going to go out to lunch with them on sunday also before they leave.


Monday, September 15, 2008

Six Months Already!

Wow. Today myself and CJ have been dating for six months. Already.
it feels like it kind of flew by. It makes me feel wonderful. i have never felt so comfortable with any of my previous boyfriends, and i have never felt so cared for. we always tell each other how we feel about everything, good or bad, and we are always honest and open with each other, and i like that. We don't argue almost ever really, because if we have a disagreement we don't just argue and bury the hatchet, we just talk about the situation, and work it out. it seems to give us less problems later. I am just amazed at how quickly this date has come up for us, we have been together for half a year already, however, i do feel that even though the time has flown by, that the maturity level of our relationship is at a very good place. I feel very stable in the relationship and i am extremely happy with that. I love making memories with him. I'm sad that I couldn't be with him today to be able to just hang out and do silly things like watch Alice in wonderland while eating white cheeto puffs, and drinking some strange mixture of soda we created, but at the same time, i saw a quote the other day that really summed it all up for me. i think i actually sent it to nae in a comment on said "true friendship isn't being inseparable, its being separated and nothing changes"
when i read that i think it carried over into my thoughts of cj and i. Its the truth, being with someone does not mean being inseparable, it means when you are separated things can remain the same while you are apart, as well as when you see each other next.
as you can guess, i am really excited to see him on Saturday. YAY. i have a hug waiting for me.
well cj, we have been dating for six months today,
and i cant wait to see what the future brings us.

Monday, September 8, 2008

life and bubble tea.

so first off, i had a great night with the girls the other night, we made diana a myspace [finally], ate ice cream, and watched terminator.
it was fun. they brought me the most beautiful flowers ever, and we just had a good time. i needed it from being cooped up in my house all weekend, although it took me half the movie to realize "oh!..theyre gonna do it!" haha.
as for my dad, he is getting better. cant work for a few days, but i tink he ssaid he will be able to go into work by friday as long as he isnt doing anything too strenuous. next week should be back to normal, he is going out of town, but he will have another guy to help out, so it should be fine.
other than that, it is getting closer and closer to my moving date! 12 days left now. i found out what was included in my room...and its completely furnished with a bed, dresser and desk for each person living in the dorm. so i dont have to buy a desk or anything, which is nice. all i really need to take car of now is getting my lamps/microwave. we have no overhead lighting in my dorm, which can be a pain, so jessica and myself are both buying standing lamps, and floor rugs for our sides. im really excited.
another thing:
what are you thinkin for your tattoo? you never said anything back to anyone.

Next thing:
Bubble tea. its this stuff, cj introduced me to it.
its delicious depending on what kind you get.
its kind of a creamy tea based thing, you can get it in whatever flavor you want, and you can get it in either the actual milk-tea form with ice, or you can get it in a slushy/smoothy form. i tend to like the slushy/smoothy ones better than the iced milk teas. cj always gets green apple iced milk tea, its ok, but i like mine better.
but back to explaining, it has this stuff in the bottom called boba. i guess its like this asian tapioca type stuff, its these big brown balls of it at the bottom of your drink. they are very strange. i guess cj says it takes a while to get used to it. they are kind of textured like slimy gummy bears. and the straw is extra big so you can suck them up. its very interesting. if you dont like boba however, you can get a jelly type stuff at the bottom instead. last time i got bubble tea, i got a kiwi slushy bubble tea, with strawberry jelly stuff instead of the boba. i really liked it. it tasted so good!
cj is probably going to laugh, but i may actually get a little boba in a kiwi slushy next time. i think i may be ready to handle the boba. haha.
go here and read more:

the reason i wrote so extensivley about bubble tea;
i want some.
it just sounds good right now, and i cant have it because there are no bubble tea places in or around roseburg.

Saturday, September 6, 2008


my dad got home from work last night, he didnt look so well, and he had been complaining of pains in his lower right side since about 2:30. i told him he should go get it checked out because he reallly didnt look good at all. he could barely stand up straight. it was pretty bad, but he insisted on showering first.
he got in and out of the shower for a tops of maybe 4 minutes, and told my mom he needed to go to urgent care.
they sent him to the ER at mercy because they said he needed to get his appendix seen, and so after waiting a while, they checked him out and indeed it was his appendix.
he ended up spending the night in the hospital, my mom got home at about 1:45 in the morning,
and my dad went into surgery at about 11 this morning.
he should be out of surgery now and recovering, and my mom is there with him again now.
so i think all is better, except that he will be out of work for about a week to a week and a half.
so we will see what happens with that.
other than that, everything should be all better now though.
ill keep you posted if anything else happens.

Saturday, August 23, 2008


so today was Diana's birthday party.
it was fun, she is eighteen!!
after shaking a whole fourteen times waiting for Amanda to show up, we all sat around, and then she opened presents. from what i remember, she got a notebook [with tiny midget pens], a purple "weird" shirt, some anime pin things, moolah, and everyone's favorite, the black sexy lingerie with the white fuzzy accents. hahaha. everyone laughed when she opened it. it was pretty great. I bought her an Abbey Road Beatles shirt and a yellow necklace.
after all the presents, we watched Stranger Than Fiction. after the movie, tina made dinner and dessert, but i had to leave early because anna was being a lame face and needed a ride home.
Also at diana's house though, i found out that i will be making a weekend trip up to see cj, because the girls are taking a roadtrip up there for diana's anime convention. so, SWEET.
i get to hang out with the girls, and see cj!
im pretty excited about that.

another thing:
i have learned that i prefer sonic's drinks better than other places.
but you could have guessed that, by the idea that you can make any soda any flavor you want.
so far i have tried:
green apple sprite
watermelon sprite
strawberry sprite
pineapple sprite
cherry dr pepper
cherry coke
vanilla coke
green apple watermelon sprite.

i tend to like the ones without the chunks of stuff, which strawberry and pineapple both have.
i think the most interesting combo thart i have had so far though was the watermelon green apple sprite that myself, derek, and anna shared.
see, i got green apple sprite, and derek got watermelon.
when our small cups ran out of delicious liquid, we decided to get a large with both of our flavors combined.
when we got it, it looked REALLY gross!
it was brown and yucky looking because everyone knows pink+green=brown.
but it was DELICIOUS.
but yes.
i dont know what my next drink will be, but i tend to get pretty creative.
it will be an adventure.

but yes, last but not least right now;
moving to portland state is getting closer and closer! im excited and i cant wait.
i just hope they dont change my room again.
they have switched my room twice now.
i still have the same roomate and everything, in the same building, but a different room.
i went from room 760 to 360 to now 330.
but either way, its all the same stuff. justa different number.
im so ready to leave! roseburg is getting kind of boring to me, being that there is nothing to do here and all. i mean, i just wrote about sonic's drinks for christ sakes. haha.
im just ready to go and live on campus and be somewhere new.
plus, they have bubble tea, which they dont have here.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

i finally have a blog!

Well, since i have a new laptop, i figured this would be easier to keep up on now, so i have a blog!

heres whats going on in Mary World now:

i have housing. i have a roomate.
my dorm is in the broadway building on campus at portland state university. it is 330 sq ft and has a kitchenette. i guess its on the nicer side of all the dorms on campus, so i am pretty excited to move in.
my roomate shall be interesting to live with. her name is jessica. she is really nice. we have talked a small amount on myspace so far. she has some things in common with me, but is very different than me at the same time. she doesnt seem as bright and peppy as i am, but thats ok. i wouldnt want to live with a mary clone. i would go insane. she has a combonation of blonde and black hair, and has a tattoo of a rose on her left arm that is really cool looking. she listens to mostly old school punk rock music, and seems to have a little darker of a personality than me; but then again, thats not hard. lol. either way, she is really cool and nice, and i think living with her will be fun.

I have the best friends in thw whole world. Renee, Diana and Amanda. i have been so busy lately, from being out of town, to working fair, that i miss my girlies! i want to see amanda and diana and tina realllly bad. i am thoroughly convinced that we need to have at least one more sleepover before we all depart. it kind of reminds me of the sisterhood of the traveling pants, only subtract the pants. we wouldnt be able to fit into each others pants. all of us are built to differently. Maybe sisterhood of the traveling necklace or bracelet or something would be more fit for us. lol. Its really hard to think that when school starts we will all be in different cities. Nae still in San Diego, Amanda in Roseburg, Diana in Eugene, and myself in Portland. its strange knowing that i wont see them all every tuesday of the year. i guess thats most of the reason that i made a blog though. we are each other's everything. so yes girls; sleepover? taco bell run? johnny depp movies all night? YES. Soon please. I MISS YOU GIRLS!

i have made a bunch of new friends up north as well. since i do go up north a bunch now, i have met a bunch of new people that i really enjoy spending time with. There is Casey and Jesse, who are CJ's siblings. Casey and me always have a good time hanging out, having our girls days and blending rockstar and pineapple juice all over the kitchen and whatnot. She also is someone i can talk to about anything. Jesse is CJ's brother. he is a man of few words. very laid back, but he is always sincere and is always there for you, even though he tries to scare me with the lawn gnome, i always seem to forgive him. Erin is another good friend, she is Jesse's girlfriend, the usual hang out amongst casey and me when the boys are out having band practice or working on their next show. then there are the guys, Nick, Jake, Vince, Scott, Pokey, and ocasionally David. i really like hanging out with them because they are always there for me, and its funny to watch them play halo.

I have the most wonderful boyfriend ever. His name is CJ,a nd we have been together for about 5 and a half months so far. he is everything i have wanted in a boyfriend for a long time. He is smart, considerate, caring, humorous, and we have jsut the right amount of similarities and differences to make us compatable. I really like the fact that he wants to be friends with my friends too. I love that my friends approve. He doesnt hesitate to bring me around his friends either which i love. he is always there for me and he does all the little things that makes me happy. he opens doors for me, he always holds my hand, he buys me little things even though he knows he doesnt have to, and says he just wants to, he doesnt ever pressure me for anything that i dont want to do, and he just plain cares about me!I like the fact that he has a plan for his life, like me. He wants to be a history professor and is going to college at portland state just as well. The best part of being with cj though, is that he doesnt quit trying. he isnt one of those guys who thinks 'well i have her already, i dont need to try to impress her of be a good boyfriend anymore' he always does everything he can for me. i really care about him, and i cant wait to live up there where i am closer to him.