Thursday, October 23, 2008


My midterms are basically over!
I still have to do a scene for my theater class, but thats easy.
I had to write 2 five page papers other than that though, one for freshman inquiry, and one for criminology.
I turned in my one for freshman inquiry, and i got an A-.
I have to turn in my one for Crininology.
At the beginning of the term i hated my freshman inquiry class. It seemed boring and pointless, but now its becoming more psychology based, which i like. so thats good.
My criminology class is really good. I enjoy going to the class, and we get pretty much no homework besides reading.
Other than that things are going well.
Me and cj got invited to a halloween party, and i have to geta costume. We are going to Spirit on Saturday. I am excited, even though i have no idea what to be.

Any Suggestions??


Renee' B. said...

be a sexy GS lol.....congrats on geting the A we're moving out soon so come see us!!!

Luna said...

Hey, is criminology a fun class for you?