Monday, December 15, 2008

Snow again...

Well here are a few pictures from the snow. Tomorrow Casey has another snow day, it didnt snow today but the snow didnt melt either. its supposed to snow again on wednesday, twice as hard, so therefore, twice as much snow, added on what we have already. By sunday its supposed to get the worst, they are saying its going to be a 'super snow storm' but ill be gone by that time. Today me and casey went out to the pond, its all frozen over, we cant walk on it or anything, but we went out on the dock and threw snowballs at it. it was awesome. We made out gingerbread house last night also.

Ill be home saturday though!! I hope to see everyone sometime!!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Lots of Snow!

So its been snowing all day, and i took a few pictures, i thought i would post a few, but it wont let me...ill try to post them tomorrow, the internet isnt doing so well here today.

I woke up this morning to casey and erin yelling "mary mary its snowing!!!!!!!!!"

i took the kitties outside in the snow. all of them loved it except Nella, the white kitty. she was scared and ran back inside. she doesnt like being outside at all. The horses seem to like it though.

I played with casey and cj in the snow for a while, we played catch with snowballs and then me and casey attacked cj with snowballs. then came inside.
its still snowing now too. it hasnt really stopped at all.

were going to make a gingerbread house tonight, so thats going to be fun, and it looks like casey is going to have a snow day tomorrow.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Oh. My. Goodness.

so everyone knows that i have been having some roommate issues and i put in a room transfer request, but i cant change until january 19th...well i dont have to anymore....

so my roomate is ocd and freaks at everything...

and so she 'lost her pills' once, when she told me she thinks she dropped them like a month or so ago,
and now she has this huge pikachu (looks just like the picture) that has tremendous sentimental value to her and she thinks someone stole it.
i think she took it home with her and lost it herself because its the only explanation. no person in their right mind would come to a dorm room and steal a stuffed pikachu and leave my brand new laptop there.
either that or she took it home and is acting like someone stole it so she has and excuse...

so anyways, she is offering a reward of 100 bucks for her stuffed pikachu,
and she is......

changing rooms.
she says she doesnt want to live in a place that her things get taken all the time, (even though im almost positive she misplaced them herself) the thought crossed my mind that she might just be using it as a really bad excuse to change rooms, but i dont care. i wasnt around when any of her stuff came up missing, so im in the clear about that. i also didnt even know she had any pills until she told me she lost them. lol. so yeah.

but anyways...
:D :D :D :D
she is changing rooms and i dont have to.