Thursday, September 10, 2009

Blink 182 concert

so, i really wanted to go to the Blink 182 concert, i must say i am a fan, and they are one of cj's favorite bands. the tickets were pretty expensive though. They were doing contests for free tickets on the radio station that i listen to, so i facebooked them, and asked if they were doing anymore contests. they said no, but they had extra tickets and that if i picked them up i could have them for free!
so we picked them up, and met our friends at the rose garden to wait in line. we waited for about 4 hours, but we had a good time just hanging out. when we got inside we found our seats, which were pretty good seats actually. (especially for free)
There were 2 bands before Blink, one called Chester French, they were weird but ok. and then Taking Back Sunday. They did pretty good, i havent really listened to them much before the concert, but there was this really fat girl 2 seats away from me, and she was like singing all the words and dancing and screaming the WHOLE time they were playing. it was kinda annoying (and gross)
When Blink came out though, they put on an amazing show. They loved portland, and said even though it was the smallest show of their tour so far, it was their favorite place. They had a HUGE light show thing behind them, it had 6 massive circle plasma screen things, and a ton of lights.
at the end the drummer Travis Barker (ranked one of the best skilled drummers in the world) did a drum solo, while levatating over the stage and crowd. I posted the URL to a video from the concert on youtube, i couldnt figure out how to upload it, but definitely watch it, its so cool!! :) i didnt take it, but it was better quality than all my videos. enjoy.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

new dog!

His name is Lucas. I went with CJ's family to the local animal shelter, and we adopted him a few days ago. :) he was taken in a while back as a stray. They think he is a husky mixed with either Australian Shepard or German Shepard. he has a very husky like coat, and a Shepard body type.
He is 9 months old, so he is pretty big, but he still acts like a puppy. He loves to play with tennis balls and frisbees, and he can jump realllllly freaking high.
i like him :)

Thursday, May 7, 2009


My last blog was dedicated to you.
The one about the Law.

You've come a long way.

I hope things work out for you.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Troop 371

In the past few weeks, i have been to a gold award ceremony that made me relive my own troop memories,
talked to my fellow troop-mates,
and witnessed a few people around me who have needed some help, and some good advice.

i still live by this, do you?

I will do my best:

to be honest and fair,

friendly and helpful,

considerate and caring,

courageous and strong,

responsible for what i say and do,

and to:

respect myself and others,

respect authority,

use resources wisely,

make the world a better place,

and be a sister to every girl scout.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

busy busy busy

yep. thats life.
im taking what seems to be a billion credits.
my classes are interesting, but theres alot of them.
-my last term of constructed self/mentored self
-punishment and corrections
-policing in america
-intro to poetry writing

we finished cj's room. :D
he got his taxes back today so were going to go out, but we havent decided where yet.

other than that, brandon comes back monday and were going to have to do something fun this week. im going to try to make it back to the burg next weekend for the talent show and kates birthday, but no promises.
i dont want to ride with my family or someone else because id have to go back on their schedule, and i wouldnt be able to get back until late sunday night, and i have class monday bright and early.
im trying to see if erin or brandon or cj can bring me, but i dont know how thats looking yet. if i cant make it, ill have to make sure to take a trip down there soon!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Brandon + Hair =

bad news...

2 days ago i let brandon cut and dye my hair. he asked me what i wanted done, and i said i didnt care, and to do whatever he wanted to with it. I had to get the ends cut off due to split ends and a paint mishap, but it all ended up pretty good.
we cut my hair a little longer than shoulder length, cut my bangs, and added a layer. the bottom layer is bright red, and we highlighted the rest of my hair with the left over dye.

so now, i have shorter, cuter hair with lots of bright red.

unfortunately i have no camera due to the fire way back when, and so i have no pictures, but i might have some tomorrow :)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Not so ugh.

Well yesterday did not go according to plan by any means. Finally after finishing what we needed to in his room we decided to shower and go to olive garden.
well right before i was going to get in the shower Nae called me. We had a long and interesting conversation, and hopefully it all works out.... :D
oh, nae,
heres the link...haha
if you look up her actual screen name on youtube its dbootsthediva or something like that. i love this lady. its funny.
as for the rest,

And Nae, let me know the plans!

Anyways...I spent a good while on the phone, after i got off I went in the living room, cj thought i had actually taken my shower in that time. lol. But i went and got in the shower, and then we called into olive garden so they would put our name on the waiting list.
well when we got there, there was a line of people who hadnt called...
and we went to the guy and told him we called in, and since technically we called and they had us already on the list we should already be waiting....but he basically told us no, we had to wait, even though we called in, but the line was out the door and around the corner basically. So we ended up just going back to the car, and we went home. On the way home i started crying because nothing had gone right at all the whole day.
Of course cj being the guy he is, he made me feel better and laugh right away, and we went home, picked up 6 cans, and went to red robin. I bought the drinks and onion rings, and he bought the food. I ended up spending more than i hoped to, but eh. no biggie. it wasnt that much. I got a new drink, it was bottomless and all :) it was a pomegranite peach limeaide, CJ got 2 mai tais, so i got to drive to ductch bros after that :)

When we got to dutch bros he made me pick what he got, so i got an almond joy for myself and cj got a double chocolate mocha. it was yummy. :)
when we got home we drank our dutch bros and watched Nick and Norah's infinite Playlist. When we were done with that Brandon texted us.
He was down becuase as he said "singles awareness day was getting to him" so he came over and we played mario party 8 on the wii, and then we went to sharis at like 1am.

we got home and i went to bed at 3, cj got more coffee at sharis and so he couldnt sleep, he ended up staying up till 5. we woke up today at 1:30.

so after everything sucked, I talked to Nae, I had a fun night with cj at red robin and watching the movie, and when brandon hung with us too.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Today has not been good so far. granted that its only 3 now, but still.
Today is valentines day, one of the funnest days of the year if you have someone to spend it with.
well, not always. Today was spent tearing up carpet, cleaning out the room, and not much else. its ready to paint and get new carpet now though, so i guess that's good news. but i mean UGH.
CJ is up cleaning the horse stalls now because Casey isn't here and they need cleaned real bad.
SO, also, since we have been so freaking busy with his room and school and everything, we haven't had the time to get each other anything, plus we don't have that much money in the first place to spend anyways. On top of that I'm PMSing so it just makes everything feel 10 times worse.
I'm hoping that we can spend the night together watching movies or something along those lines. If we have time we might go to olive garden, we have gift cards from our birthdays. We will probably also go to Dutch Bros and bring cans :)

So so far Valentines day is non existant for me, but Im hoping it gets better as the day progresses.
Oh, and tomorrow is 11 months for CJ and I. <3
maybe tomorrow will be better.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

To my best friend, cj's mom, and abraham lincoln


I miss you nae, i tried to call but your phone kept giving me a busy signal. :(

As for tomorrow and this weekend...
Happy friday the 13th
Happy Valentines day
CJ and I together 11 months.

have a good rest of the week guys!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Life is Good. :)

Okay, so i now have a new room, same building, same floor, different room, different roommate.
thank god.

I walked into the room, and the first thing i did was smile. This is how my room should be! There are things on the walls, Colors everywhere, and we even have christmas lights everywhere. i love it. Plus, my roommate now is super nice, and no joke, she reminds me of amanda, diana and nae all mixed together. So we get along just fine.
Other than that there are a few pictures of CJ's burnt empty room now. :p
you can see where his pictures were on the wayy and the books on his shelf up top, and you can also see how he vaccuumed "i love you mary :)" on the ceiling.
We are cleaning the walls off and tearing out the carpet this weekend i believe.

Friend things and boyfriend things are all good. I have a new friend, brandon. He was the drummer in cj's band, but left for his mission trip. he got back the beginning of january, and we hang out all the time now, so thats cool. He comes and hangs out at my dorm with me like once a week, and we walk to voodoo donuts, or just hang around, and he hangs out with everyone at cj's house on the weekends. we had a super bowl party on sunday at cj's place, and that was cool. everyone came over and that was awesome.

i learned how to play guitar hero :p

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Birthday and Stuff.

So My camera as it turns out, did get damaged in the fire and doesnt work, so i have to get a new one, so i havent been able to take any pictures of the burnt room really.
We've been cleaning it up pretty good, and its almost empty now.

Other than that, my birthday is on friday. Ihave one class that day, my piano class, and i get out around 12:30. Then CJ and I are going to head to the zoo for the day. I am pretty excited, I like my piano class, I love the zoo, and spending time with CJ, so this should be awesome.

Saturday CJ's family is all getting together for his (belated) birthday party, and i guess some for me too? His family always gets together for birthdays and such. Saturday night should be good too, a bunch of our friends are coming over to have a party for my birthday.

Not much else has really been happening, just school and everything. Im taking a piano class, a 'classic movies' class, criminal behavior, constructed self (freshman inquiry) and a mentor session with it.
I like mopst of my classes, but i hate my movie class. its at 6 to 9:30 on wednesdays, and all we do is watch these boring silent movies that i hate, and then you have to write a paper on it. LAME.
My other classes are pretty good though.

I also have an appointment to give blood on february 4th, and i should be switching to a new dorm soon!!


Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Ok, so as alot of you have heard, yes, cj's house caught on fire.
for those who havent heard the story yet ill tell it, and for those who have, they'll be more info as well.

The Story:
cj and i went to petco last friday night. we were having a good ol time, and thought, instead of just getting a new fishtank, lets get a lizard.
so we got a small anole lizard like bob, the one that i used to have. We picked out the lizard, and asked one of the employees to help us pick out the rest of tghe equiptment. We got a plastic 'critter cage' bit enough for him to be comortable, but still small enough to fit in his room. we ended up setting it on his big huge computer desk in his room.
we also got a small heating lamp to keep him warm, as well as the crickets to feed him.
we got home, set it all up, and all was good. we left for dinner to amigos, and then came back and set everything up further, making the desk look nice and clearing our things off of it, so we could fit both the lizard, and the fish tank on there so it would look nice. we left the room.
We played guitar hero world tour for a while with Nick, Becca, Jake, Casey, Jesse, and Erin.
cj went back to the room to check on the lizard. all was fine. he left the room.
so, 20 minutes later, my feet were cold, so i headed back to the room to get my slippers, i opened the door and the room was in flames and engulfed with smoke.
i ran into his parents room saying "the room is on fire!" so they went and got the fire extinguisher, and put it out. the whole house filled with smoke and all the kitties were scared. as for the lizard, well im sure he is dead.

so, heres the updates...
nothing expensive, important or sentimental got burnt. The damage origionally consisted of the burnt desk, curtains, broken window from the heat, as well as the ceiling and walls being blackened, and the paint was bubbling from the heat, and everything in the entire room is now covered in ash and soot, and is stinky.
The insurance people came today to take a look to see the damages and all that, and what his parents thought was around 2000 dollars in damage, ended up being about 7800. as it turns out, they have to replace the whole back wall in their room. The insurance is covering all costs, we just have to clean everything out of the room and wipe it off/wash it.
i hope its done soon!
ill have some pictures of the burnt room up soon. ill take some pics and post them by next week.

were just glad i went in there and found it when i did, because if i had waited much longer the whole house could have caught.
everyone is ok though :)