Wednesday, November 19, 2008


So heres the dealy.
I like my roomate. She is a nice girl.
But... we dont have ANYTHING in common. at all.
She likes everything black and dark colored, I like bright pink.
She is allergic to basically everything [peanuts, dairy, soy, salmon...ect]
I love peanut butter. and cheese. and soy sauce with my rice. not so much salmon. but you know what I mean.
She hates psu, I love psu.
She is ocd about cleaning, I like things to be tidy-ish, but i dont need things to be spotless to survive.
She doesnt like my music, I dont like hers.
She studys during the day, I study at night,
She goes to bed early, I go to bed at like 11 or so.
She wakes up at 6 everyday, I like to sleep a little, my first class is at 10.

we have nothing in common, no common ground at all.
She is a nice person, but they couldnt have paired me with a worse roomate.
I got my room transfer sheet and I have an appointment tomorrow with the lady that has to sign it, and basically determines weather it goes through or not.
so I may have a new room next term.

Monday, November 3, 2008


Me and CJ
Me and Casey.
Me as Strawberry Shortcake.
My Costume.

So halloween came.

i figured out my costume. i tried on a bajillion different things trying to find something that didnt look overly slutty or just bad on me. I went back and forth on a few costumes that i liked and i ended up getting strawberry shortcake. It was cute, it wasnt anything that would make me look like a whore like a french maid or half the other costumes in the store. haha. so i got it.
CJ went as House. of course. He had the cane, and he even had a perscription bottle of tic tacs that he was popping throughout the night. i didnt get any pictures of him in costume, but i got some of me and his sister, casey all dressed up with me. She went as a referee.
All in all it was a good night. We knew there would be some drinking at the party, but me, casey, her boyfriend, and cj all didnt want to drink, so we went to safeway on the way to the party to get energy drinks. Everyone was looking at me and casey, and there were little kids trick or treating everywhere. it was pretty cool. When we got to the party we hung out for a while, and just talked with people and stuff. We stayed for a few hours, but we left when everyone was starting to play drinking games.
We came home, and got in our pajamas, and we watched a few more house episodes before we went to bed. :] we are on the fourth season. I asked cj what we are going to do when we run out of house episodes until the next season is out on dvd, he said we would start watching smallville, which i have never seen.
so yes. My halloween was good. :D