PSU Hoodie :)
Drinking Green Apple Bubble Tea.
CJ Drinking His And Mine at the Same time. He is silly.
Myclasses are going well,
i have theater and freshman inquiry&mentor session on mondays and wednesdays,
and criminology on tuesdays and thursdays.
i really am enjoying my classes and my professors are all really nice and stuff.
i havent had a ton of homework, just a small amount, which is nice.
and i live right above a starbucks. :)
also, there is a bubble tea place right down the street and its soooo good!
As for everything else, me and cj are doing good. Ive been spending most of my weekends with him at his house so i can get around and hang out with friends and stuff.
We've been watching house lately. CJ has all of the seasons on dvd, so when i spend the night its kind of our time ot just cuddle and have us time. We just sit around and watch a few episodes of house. I like it alot, its a very intriguing show, especially for me. Its also medically correct, so im not screaming at the tv the whole time. :)
My roomate is nice and we have been getting along pretty well also.
Other than that, i have just been meeting some new people in my classes and in my dorm.
All in all, i love it here.
but you wanna know something funny?...
in the past 3 days, i have seen 4 people from roseburg.
1]Rhianna Gunderson. ..she looked at me like "oh my god, im not the only one here anymore" and then kind of glared at me.
2] Some football player. He stopped me in the hall and asked if he knew me from roseburg, i said i guess so. I wasnt really sure of his name, and he was one of the jock guys that were jerks, so i didnt want to talk to him that much. He asked for my number, but i didnt take his, instead he has called me a number of times and texted me, but i havent responded. haha.
3] Travis Trotter. walked right by me.
4] Travis Hase...Well, i think he was suprised to find me here. it was funny, i said hi to him and he kinda gave me a "whoa, marys here?!" look. i kinda laughed when he walked away.
Also, i am kinda getting sick. :(
cj was sick for the past few days, with a sore throat and the sniffles,
and i have it now. bleh.
but ill be fine :)